When considering hard drives, back-up systems, and data recovery three common considerations for the customer are cost, quality, and speed. How can the consumer get the best? How are they defining an ideal solution? Those three concepts (cost, quality, speed) also act as the corner stones of the Unattainable Triangle. Using this triangle model customers and service providers can analyze and, based on its outcomes, determine a preferred solution, even in the data business.
The Unattainable Triangle works by placing three key aspects of a product/service opposite each other. Then a product/service is plotted somewhere in accordance with its cost, quality, and speed. The closer a product is to two of these points, the further it gets away from the third. Thus, it is impossible to achieve an ideal balance or placement across all points.
To explain better let’s suppose a customer is looking at estimates, reviews, and overall information regarding three data recovery service providers. The cheapest of them is also the fastest, but their recovery ability is lacking as evidenced by poor reviews. This is a service that exceeds in cost and speed, but suffers poor quality to achieve it. This is where the Triangle works for the person using it.
A customer can ask themselves an important question, what service experience am I looking for, and use the Triangle to decide whether a product or service meets that need. If someone is looking for a high-end data recovery experience that will also be fast, the person will have to pay more money but will also be able to specifically search for emergency data recovery specialists. When looking at hard drives themselves the unattainable triangle can help a customer figure out whether they want something slower but cheap or fast and well-made.
A seller or provider uses this model to instead determine their pricing. If they offer exclusive skills or tools, their quality is higher so they know to increase price in accordance. Or if they are interested in quick affordable recovery, they may not offer in-depth, high-quality services.
The Unattainable Triangle is a frustrating model that is the reality of goods and services. However, it is a powerful tool when analyzing goods being bought or services being provided.
At Carolina Data Recovery, our two paramount goals are quality and speed. We are not the cheapest data recovery service. However, don’t get pulled in by a cheap price and fast service. According to the Unattainable Triangle cheap and fast service can lead to poor quality.
At Carolina Data Recovery, we offer the high quality fast service. We recover data from >90% of the hard drives we service. With our on-sight clean room, years of experience, and dedication to success, we offer one of the highest standards of care for your important data, files, and pictures in the southeast. Finally, we offer Free Estimates and a No Data – No Fee Guarantee. If we cannot recover your data – – You don’t pay!